This tour gives you a chance to enjoy the history of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the Vesuvius.

First of all you will visit and walk the 2000 years ago streets of Pompeii, the town which was destroyed by Mount Vesuvius eruption in AD 79.
Pompeii is a very popular tourist destination and it attracts almost 2.6 million visitors per year and the visit of this archaeological site goes together with the passion of art and history.
After the tour in Pompei (2 hours) we will drive you to mount Vesuvius, one of the most dangerous volcano of the world, which buried Pompeii and Herculaneum two thousand years ago.
By car you will stop at 3200 feet , from here you can walk up to the top of the mountain to look inside the crater, where sometimes it's possible to see some fumes.
We continue on the way to reach Herculaneum, smaller than Pompeii, buried in the same period 79 A.D. but better preserved in the original splendour.

Additional information

What's Included

vehicle (Mercedes van full a/c), baby seats (on request), wi-fi, English speaking driver, highway tolls, car fuel and parking.

What's NOT Included

entrance fees, professional guide and gratuities.

We suggest private guide service, specially in Pompeii, to have more information, details and avoid any waste your time.
In order to satisfy your wishes you can agree upon your best tour with your personal driver

Richiesta Tour

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